

The Configuration function is used to determine which general ledger accounts are used by maestro* to perform certain transactions and to configure the various options available in the Service Management module.






maestro* > Service Management > Maintenance > Configuration > Configuration


Enter configurations

  1. ClosedGeneral section in the menu on the left.



Default Contract Type

Type of contract displayed by default when entering a new contract in Contract Management. Available values:


Service contract with occasional visits if necessary.


Maintenance contract with predetermined visits on a regular basis.

NOTE: Even if the default contract type is Fixed, you can still enter service calls for this type of contract using the Enter a Service Call option.

Order Number Counter

Last order number issued by the Enter a Purchase option.

NOTES: The Status field must be set to Order.

The maximum number of characters for the purchase order is seven.

Contract Number Counter

Last contract number issued.

NOTE: The maximum number of characters for the contract number is nine.

Contract Number Format

Numbering format for the contract number.

NOTES: In multidimensional mode, you can define a format by company prefix. The maximum number of characters available for this format is 9. For example, Company 1 can be identified using code 10, followed by the order number. The format should be entered as follows: 10#######.

Invoicing Rate for Labour

Default hourly invoicing rate or the hourly rate most often used by the company.

NOTE: This rate is used if there is no selling amount in the following locations: Contract Management (rate table), Define Activities, Define Occupation Categories and Define Employee.

Invoicing Rate for Material

Default markup rate used to invoice for material.

NOTE: This rate is used if there is no selling amount in the following locations: Contract Management (markup table), Define Materials or Catalogue Management.

Default Project

Used to identify the default project used when entering a contract.

NOTE: This information is linked to Project Management.

Default Activity

Used to identify the default activity linked to the project and used when entering a contract.

NOTE: This information is linked to Project Management.

Default Inventory

Used to allocate purchases and the use of material to an inventory project.

NOTES: The Returned Material Transfer field must be set to Yes.

This information must be completed unless Catalogue Management is not used.

Default Activity

Used to identify a default activity linked to the selected inventory project and used to allocate purchases and the use of material.


Used to identify a group to allocate purchases and the use of material.

Validate Reason for N/C

If the box is checked, the user must enter a reason for items that are not invoiced.

NOTE: These reasons are directly linked to the printing of the Warranty Cost Report.

Transfer to Accounting

If the box is checked, then maestro* will post transactions to the general ledger.

NOTE: We recommend always checking this box to ensure that the accounting entries are transferred to the various general ledger accounts.

Material Transfer Method

Used to define the type of tracking to be performed on material used on the Return From a Service Call.

NOTE: When transferring a return from a service call that involves material, maestro* may or may not generate a transaction (transfer between projects or inventory to project transfer) based on the setting below.


Tells maestro* that no tracking is to be performed on the material. Only the Service Management module will have the cost of materials used.

NOTE: In this mode, a cost discrepancy exists between the Service Management and Projects modules because the cost is not transferred to Project Management.


Tells maestro* that the user wants to manage the material from project inventory. The user must complete the Default Inventory, Default Activity and Group fields.

NOTES: Inventory is not monitored in this mode. Only the inventory discrepancy in dollars is monitored (entries and releases).

When the return from a service call is transferred, maestro* creates a Project-to-Project Transfer.


Indicates that the material used in the return from a service call is linked to the inventory managed in the Purchasing module.

NOTES: In this mode, the material is from Catalogue Management in the Purchasing module.

During a return from a service call, maestro* automatically creates an inventory release using the Inventory to Project Transfer option.

Inventory is updated after transactions are transferred from the Purchasing module.

Hours Transferred to Payroll

Used to specify the source of hours used for payroll.

The choices are: Return from visit, E-Hours Entry, T-Both and A-None.

For example, if the hours for the payroll hour transfer come from Return From a Service Call and the user enters the hours in the Distribute Hours option, these hours do not affect the employee's pay, because they will not be transferred to the payroll module. The reverse also applies.

Copy the customer’s address

If the box is checked, this option will automatically update the contract address if the address has been changed in Customer Management.

Manual Maintenance Closing

Used to manually close maintenance calls if the box is checked.

If the box is checked, maintenance calls must be closed manually by clicking the Close a Call icon at the preparation stage if no items are to be invoiced.

NOTE: By default, the box is not checked. If not checked, when returns from a service call are transferred, if all of the items are not to be invoiced and the status is Completed in the Return from a service call, maestro* determines that there is no invoice. It changes the status to 4 - Completed and closes the call automatically.

Link service contracts to a specific company

Allows the user to indicate that the contract created in Contract Management must be linked to a specific company prefix.

NOTES: Available in multidimensional mode only.

If checked, maestro* requires the entry of a prefix during the saving of a contract. The contracts will only be available in the selected company prefix.

If checked, maestro* will use an index by prefix on the contracts, which accelerates the contracts search functions. Only contracts in the current prefix will be displayed in the various inquiry screens of the Service Management module.

Hours Used for Costs

Indicates the source of hours used to determine the cost of the contract.

The choices are: Return from visit, Hours Entry, T-Both and A-None.

Hours Used for Billing

Used to specify the source of hours that will be used for invoicing.

The choices are: Return from visit, E-Hours Entry, T-Both and A-None.

This configuration will also have an impact on the Billable column present in the Return From a Service Call and Distribute Hours options for hours only.

For example, if the hours for the preparation of the invoice come from Return From a Service Call and the user enters hours in the Distribute Hours option, it will be impossible to bill these hours since they will not be transferred to invoicing. The reverse also applies.

Destination of Hours

Identifies the location where hours from the Service Management module will be transferred in the Time Management module.

The choices are: Hours or Hours – Invoicing.

NOTE: The Internal hours invoicing module must be installed to make the Hours – Invoicing option available.

Maximum amount due from a customer

Enter a maximum balance amount for a customer in the service call.

NOTE: When entering a call, maestro* displays a message if the customer maximum is reached.

Miscellaneous Contract

Used to identify the miscellaneous contract to use when a customer address or contact is selected and that the latter is not linked to a service contract during the call entry.

NOTE: It is possible to define a miscellaneous contract by company prefix in multidimensional mode.

Default Call Status

Allows the user to define the default call status attributed when creating a call.

Equipment Maintenance Management

If this box is checked, the maintenance management will be applied to equipment:

  1. Cost and Selling Report section:



Calculate the cost of the items to invoice, for the Cost and Selling Report

Used to calculate an estimated cost on the Cost and Selling Report for the items to be invoiced, if the box is checked.

By default, the Cost and Selling Report does not display costs for items to be invoiced. It only displays the selling price.

NOTE: If checked, maestro* determines the cost of the item to be invoiced based on the standard purchase price specified in Catalogue Management. If a standard purchase price has not been specified, maestro* displays an amount of $0.00 as the cost of the items to be invoiced.

The items to be invoiced are available in the tab of the same name in the Contract Management, Return from a Service Call and Preparation options.

Calculate the selling and profit on non-billable items.

Displays items with a non-billable status on the Cost and Selling Report and calculates a selling amount and profit for these items, even if they will not be invoiced to the customer, if the box is checked.

Print memo field ‘Invoicing Detail’ on the report.

Displays the text entered in the Invoicing Detail tab of the Preparation option on the Cost and Selling Report, if the box is checked.

  1. Maintenance Calls Generated section:



Status of Maintenance Generated Calls

Allows the user to define the default call status for maintenance-generated calls with the Generate Maintenance Calls option.

Status of maintenance calls generated from a suspended contract

Allows to define the default status of maintenance calls generated from a suspended contract.

Creation of requisitions for the required material

Allows to indicate whether a material requisition must be generated when generating maintenance calls. Available values:


No requisition will be created.

One for all calls

A single requisition will be created to cover the material needs of all generated calls.

One per call

A requisition will be created to cover the material needs of every generated call individually.

  1. Mobile section:



Immediately send the form

Allows to send the form immediately when the client configuration is According to the general settings.

Send Multi-Visit Call Form

Allows to send the multi-visit form when reaching the end of a service call.

NOTE: The dispatch of the multi-visit form can be defined in a more granular way, directly for a contract (Contract Management) or a customer (Customer Management).

  1. Material Reservations section:



Reserve the Required Material for Return From Calls

Used to determine the method of selecting items in the return from a service call entry, when the user clicks on the Display the reservations related to the current call icon.

  • If the box is checked:

    The Display the reservations related to the current call icon is available in the Return From a Service Call option. Only the items in stock that have been reserved for the current call can be selected.

    NOTE: Maestro* uses the reservation number indicated in the inventory to determine if the material is reserved for the current call or for another purpose.

  • If the box is not checked:

    The Display the items ordered or reserved for current call icon is available in the Return From a Service Call option. All items specifically ordered for the current call can be selected.

    NOTE: By enabling this feature, the user must complete the Reservation No. Prefix field.

Reservation No. Prefix

A reservation number prefix is assigned by maestro* when transferring a Service Call type of requisition.

NOTE: The Requisitions module must be installed to make this feature available.

Validate that all reserved material has been used

For this validation to take place:

  • The Final Transfer box must be checked in the Return from Service Calls Transfer window;
  • The Status field must be set to Completed in the Return from a Service Call window;
  • The return from a service call must be saved before the transfer.

If these conditions are met, validation is performed as follows when transferring returns from service calls:

  1. The system will check in the Puchasing module whether there are any remaining quantities ordered directly for the call.

    NOTE : This is processed in the same way as clicking the Display the items ordered or reserved for current call icon. This icon is used to validate whether, for this call, the system finds material with a balance.

    If there are remaining ordered quantities that have not been used (i.e. there is still a balance): the system will consider that all reserved material has not been used, whether or not these quantities have been received.

  2. The system will then check in the inventory whether there are any remaining quantities reserved directly for the call.

    NOTE : This is processed in the same way as clicking the Display the reservations related to the current call icon. This icon is used to validate whether, for this call, the system finds material with a balance.

    If there are remaining reserved quantities that have not been used (i.e. there is still a balance): the system will consider that all reserved material has not been used, whether or not these quantities have been received.

If all reserved material has not been used: a message will be displayed, depending on the value chosen for the configuration.

Available values:


The transfer of this return from a service call will be interrupted and the user will not be able to complete it until all reserved material has been used.

NOTE: In the general transaction transfer window (maestro* toolbar > Transaction Transfer icon > Service Calls > Service Calls > Return from a Service Call), the line will be displayed in red with a message and the user will not be able to select the transaction to be transferred.


No specific processing will be carried out.


The user will be able to choose whether or not to continue the transfer.

NOTE: In the general transaction transfer window, the user will be able to select the transaction to be transferred.

Validate that there is an invoice for the items of the return from a service call originating from an order

Validation is performed as follows when transferring returns from service calls:

  1. The system will first check whether there is any material selected for transfer in the transfer window.
  2. If so, the system will then check whether this material is linked to an order, based on the presence of values in the Order No, Extension, and Order Line No columns of the return from a service call breakdown.
  3. For each material line to be transferred that is linked to an order, the system will check whether at least one supplier invoice has been entered in connection with the order and the order line indicated on the materiel line.
  4. NOTE: The invoice does not need to be transferred for the material to be considered invoiced. It is also not necessary to check the Final transfer box in the Return from a service call window, and the Status field can be set to Active in the Return from Service Calls Transfer window.

  5. After all material lines have been checked, if there is at least one material line linked to an order for which no supplier invoice has been entered: the system will consider that all material used related to an order has not been invoiced.

If, in the return from a service call, items have not yet been invoiced by he supplier: a message will be displayed, depending on the value chosen for the configuration.

Available values:


The transfer of this return from a service call will be interrupted and the user will not be able to complete it until these items have been invoiced.

NOTE: In the general transaction transfer window (maestro* toolbar > Transaction Transfer icon > Service Calls > Service Calls > Return from a Service Call), the line will be displayed in red with a message and the user will not be able to select the transaction to be transferred.


No specific processing will be carried out.


The user will be able to choose whether or not to continue the transfer.

NOTE: In the general transaction transfer window, the user will be able to select the transaction to be transferred.

  1. ClosedForms section in the menu on the left.
  1. Work Order section:



Print Work Order

If the box is checked, a Work Order will be printed for each service call.

NOTE: The Work Order field is set to Yes by default in the Calls option until the work order is printed.

Number of Copies

Number of copies printed by default

Print Language

Select the language in which work orders are printed.

The choices are: Customer, Person in Charge and Installation Language.

NOTE: The person in charge's language is entered in Employee Management. The customer's language is entered in Customer Management.

Summary Maintenance Form

Default form used to print a maintenance activity. This form is optional.

If the field is empty, no pages are printed for summary maintenance.

NOTE: This form displays the equipment covered in the contract. The default maestro* form is ...\asbonm.som.

Maintenance Form

Default form used to print a detailed Maintenance call.

If the field is empty, no pages are printed for maintenance.

NOTE: This form displays the equipment covered in the contract for the visit. The default maestro* form is ...\asbonm.std.

Service Form

Default form used to print a Service call.

If the field is empty, no pages are printed for maintenance.

NOTE: The default maestro* form is ...\ asbons.std.

Installation Form

Default form used to print an Installation call.

NOTE: The default maestro* form is ...\ asboni.std. If the field is empty, maestro* prints the ASBON.STD form.

Total Coverage Form

Default form used to print a Maintenance call if the contracts are for Total Coverage in Contract Management.

NOTE: The default maestro* form is ...\ asbont.std. If the field is empty, maestro* prints the ASBON.STD form.

Work Order Message (French)

French message printed on work orders.

NOTE: The MESSAGE variable must be displayed when configuring the work order form.

Work Order Message (English)

English message printed on work orders.

NOTE: The MESSAGE variable must be displayed when configuring the work order form.

Previous Comment

Allows the user to decide whether or not the last comment from the return from a service call should be printed on the work order.

  1. Contract and Return from Call section:



Contract Form

Default form used to print a contract in Contract Management.

Return from Call Form

Default form used to print a return from a service call with the Return From a Service Call option.

Return from Multi-Visit Call Form

Default multi-visit form used to print a return from a service call with the Return From a Service Call option.

  1. Invoice section:

In multidimensional mode, the button is used to configure a form template by company prefix.




Invoicing Form

Default form used to print an invoice in Invoicing.

French Message to Print on Invoices

French message printed on invoices.

NOTE: The MESSAGE variable must be displayed when configuring the invoice form.

English Message to Print on Invoices

English message printed on invoices.

NOTE: The MESSAGE variable must be displayed when configuring the invoice form.

Combined Invoice

Default form used to print an invoice in Grouped Invoicing.

Print a subtotal by call

Prints a sub-total by call for grouped invoices.

  1. Service Quotation section :



Customer Form

Form used by default when printing the customer form for service quotations.

Internal Use Form

Form used by default when printing the internal use form for service quotations.

  1. ClosedAccounting section in the menu on the left.



Purchases Default

Defines whether the default entry in the Status field is set to 1-Invoice or 2-Order in the Enter a Purchase option.

Person in Charge of Hours Transfer

Specifies the user responsible for transferring hours.

Person in Charge of Inventory-Project Transfer

Specifies the user responsible for transferring from inventory to project.

NOTE: This feature is only used with the Service Management module.

Do not close call if there are items to be invoiced in preparation

Check box to prevent closing the call if there are still items to be invoiced in Return from a Service Call or Preparation.

NOTE: The user can continue invoicing without the call being closed automatically.

Source of the activities for the (type) costs

Enables users to determine which project activity source should be used to account for costs linked to Service, Maintenance and Installation calls.

Available values:


Available choices are:

  • Call/Contract: uses the project activity defined in the call to record labour costs;
  • Labour: uses the project activity defined in the Define Activities options based on the call type.

maestro* > Service Management > Maintenance > Configuration > Define Activities


Available choices are:

  • Call/Contract: uses the project activity defined in the call to record material costs;
  • Material: uses the project activity defined in Catalogue Management for this material.

maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Catalogue Management


Available choices are:

  • Call/Contract: uses the project activity defined in the call to record equipment costs.
  • Equipment: uses the activity defined in Time Management’s Equipment Management option, in the Expense Activity section, to record project equipment costs. When Return from Service Calls are transferred, or if equipment hours are dispatched, maestro* replaces the activity by the one specified in Equipment Management.

maestro* > Time Management > Maintenance > Time Management > Equipment Management

Add non-transferred transactions to the Cost and Selling Report

If the box is checked, displays on the Cost and Selling Report the transactions that are not transferred (return from a service call, distribute hours and purchases) for calls that have been prepared beforehand or invoiced.

  1. Mobile section:



User in Charge of Returns from a Service Call Transfer

Used to identify the user who is responsible for the transfer of return from a service call created from maestro*mobile.

By specifying the user, the transactions of return from a service call created from maestro*mobile will be identified to this user. Thus, the user is able to transfer the returns from a service call.

  1. ClosedBilling Information section in the menu on the left.

Accounts and groups will be used when invoicing calls. To determine the reading priority of the income ledger account, refer to the Appendix in the Invoicing option.





General ledger account to which labour revenue is posted.


General ledger account to which material revenue is posted.


General ledger account to which equipment revenue is posted.


General ledger account to which miscellaneous revenue is posted.


General ledger account to which sub-contractor revenue is posted.

Monthly Fees

General ledger account to which monthly fee income is posted.

NOTE: Monthly fee invoicing is generated on Call Generation, with or without actual returns from a service call.

Fixed Price

General ledger account to which flat rate revenue is posted.

NOTE: Flat rate invoicing is generated after the return from a service call.

Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable general ledger account used by default.

NOTES: It is possible to have multiple A/R accounts. However, a default account must be entered; preferably the one most often used.

If the A/R is different for a contract, it is possible to change it in the invoicing screen or in Contract Management.

Discount Account

General ledger discount account used for tracking discounts.

Reason for N/C

Default reason entered for not invoicing an item when invoicing a work order.

Non-billable equipment on return from call

If the box is checked, the user can identify machinery associated with labour as non-billable by default.

Group Labour by Activity

If the box is checked, it allows to group the labour by activity on the invoice.

NOTE: If checked, maestro* performs a grouping of lines with the same activity, the same rate type (regular, half or double) as well as the same hourly rate.

To group labour by activity, the following conditions must be met:

  • The billing type defined in Contract Management must be Activity;
  • The billing type defined in the Preparation option must be Detailed or Detailed by type.

Do not automatically balance taxes

This check box indicates whether taxes should be calculated per invoice line or based on the invoice’s total amount.

NOTES: This box is checked by default; it ensures that maestro* calculates taxes per line and doesn’t compare them to the taxes calculated on the invoice’s grand total. It also preserves any manual modification made to the taxes if applicable.

Additionally, when the parameter is checked, the Tax Calculation/Line button*-located in the bottom left corner of the breakdown grids–can be used to override the configuration and round up a specific invoice’s taxes. Once activated, the button’s name changes to Balanced Taxes.

* The button is available in the following Service Management invoicing options, which are also the ones subjected to the Do not automatically balance taxes parameter:

  • Invoicing
  • Combined Invoicing
  • Print Invoices
  • Print Combined Invoices

When the box is not checked, taxes are calculated on the invoice’s total amount as it is saved. Therefore, if there’s a gap between the line-based taxes and the invoice’s global amount taxes, maestro* automatically adjusts the taxes on the invoice’s last detailed line to ensure that the sum of the line-based taxes matches the tax amount calculated on the invoice’s total.

Refer to the APPENDIX available in the Configuration online help topic of the Invoicing module for examples on tax calculation:

  • With the Balance taxes mode (box unchecked)
  • Without the Automatically balance taxes mode (box checked).

Invoicing Description

Determines how the material description on the invoice will be displayed. Available values:

1- Desc. Code

Displays the item code followed by the description.

2- Desc.

Displays the item description only.

3- Desc./Code

Displays the item description followed by the description using the "/" separator between the code and the description.

Acceptance Status of Invoices

Default acceptance status of invoices in the Invoicing option.

Monthly invoicing description in French

French description displayed by default on invoices associated with contracts in which the Amount to be Invoiced field is completed in the Visits tab in Contract Management.

Monthly invoicing description in English

English description displayed by default on invoices associated with contracts in which the Amount to be Invoiced field is completed in the Visits tab in Contract Management.

Default Billing Mode

Used to define the invoicing mode displayed by default in the Preparation option.

NOTE: The default billing mode is Detailed.

Tax Code

Default tax codes applicable on invoicing.

Maintenance Calls are taxable by default

By selecting these fields, it indicates that all items on an invoice are taxable for the indicated type of call.

NOTES: These checkboxes are only visible if the Management of US Sales Taxes option is checked in Configuration of the Accounting module, Management of taxes section.

The user can manually change or remove the amounts of taxes on certain items by using the CTRL-F7 keys.

If these fields are not checked, maestro* considers that all items on the invoice are non-taxable and it will be impossible to apply U.S. taxes on the items.

Service Calls are taxable by default

Installation Calls are taxable by default

  1. Product Codes section:

Before using this feature, we recommend that you make an appointment with the professional services team in order to obtain the necessary training to use this feature and understand all its aspects.

This section allows the user to determine the formulas to use to generate catalogue item codes which will be used to invoice the expense transactions charged to a call. These codes are generated from the data presented in the transactions. These formulas can include different variables depending on the type of expense to be invoiced.

For example, NOCAT-NOMETIER would be used to build an item code composed of the employee’s employment category and profession for Labour type transactions. The formulas are applied, during the preparation, if the invoicing method defined in the Contract Management is Use the Customer Pricing Table.

These formulas are used in the case where no value has been specified in the Contract Management for the equivalent fields.

In the formulas, it is possible to:

  • Combine several variables by using the dash as a separator between the variables;
  • Enter constants (prefixes and/or suffixes). For example, the formula representing labour could be A-NOCAT having as a result in the Catalogue Management, an item code A-220 for employment category 220.
  • Enter N/A to never invoice an expense type. This expense will be ignored during the processing of the preparation.




Description Source

Description used when invoicing. Available values:


Displays the description manually entered in the return from a service call transaction.

NOTES: If the hours are entered in the Distribute Hours option, the description used will be the one defined in Catalogue Management, because it is impossible to change the description in distribute hours.

For material transactions, maestro* uses the long description or the description of the transaction. If these fields are empty, maestro* uses the catalogue description.


Displays the description of the item to invoice from Catalogue Management.

ClosedLabour and Bonus




Formula used for the construction of the labour code used in the chargeback of costs related to labour.


Formula used for the construction of the bonus code used in the chargeback of costs related to a bonus.





Expense activity defined in Contract Management. If this activity is empty, maestro* uses the one from the call.


Description of the expense activity defined in Contract Management. If this activity is empty, maestro* uses the one from the call.


Expense activity entered from the options Return From a Service Call or Distribute Hours.

NOTE: This activity is the result of the Define Activities in the Service Management module and not of the Projects module.


Description of the expense activity defined in the Return From a Service Call or Distribute Hours options.

NOTE: This description is the result of the Define Activities in the Service Management module and not of the Projects module.


Expense group linked to the hours or to a bonus entered in the Return From a Service Call or Distribute Hours options.


Employee number


Employee employment category associated with the employee record in the Time Management module.

NOTE: Maestro* uses the employee employment category present at the time of invoicing and not the one at the time of the transaction entry.


Service call employee employment category associated with Employee Management in the Service Management module.

NOTE: Maestro* uses the employee employment category present at the time of invoicing and not the one at the time of the transaction entry.


Employment type

NOTE: Maestro* uses the employment type present at the time of invoicing and not the one at the time of the transaction entry.


Employee occupation


Letter corresponding to the type of rate.

A for the regular rate.

B for the time and a half rate.

C for the double time rate.

P for the bonus rate.


Bonus code


CCQ sector associated with the project identified in Contract Management. If the project is empty, maestro* uses the CCQ sector associated to the call’s project.


CCQ annex associated to the project identified in Contract Management. If the project is empty, maestro* uses the CCQ annex associated to the call’s project.


Year of training for the employee on the basis of the occupation.


Region associated to the project identified in Contract Management. If the project is empty, maestro* uses the region associated to the call’s project.


Work shift specified in Return From a Service Call or in Distribute Hours.





Formula used for the construction of the material code used in the chargeback of costs related to materials.





Expense activity defined in Contract Management. If the activity is empty, maestro* uses the one from the call.


Description of the expense activity defined in Contract Management. If the activity is empty, maestro* uses the one from the call.


Expense group linked to material entered in options Return From a Service Call or in Distribute Hours.


Material code entered in options Return From a Service Call or Purchasing.





Formula used for the construction of the equipment code in the chargeback of costs related to equipment.


The variables below apply to equipment hours entered from the Return From a Service Call option only:




Expense activity defined in Contract Management. If the activity is empty, maestro* uses the one from the call.


Description of the expense activity defined in Contract Management. If the activity is empty, maestro* uses the one from the call.


Expense group linked to material entered in options Return From a Service Call.


Equipment code


Equipment type


Letter corresponding to the rate type M for the rate of the equipment.

  1. ClosedCall Dispatch section in the menu on the left.



Adjust Priority Automatically According to Specified Time Delay

If checked, maestro* changes the emergency type of all current calls in Call Dispatch and Service Dispatch.

Before you check this option, you must specify the number of hours in each type of emergency.

This field can be accessed through the Define Priority Types option.

Warning! If no settings have been entered for the Nb. of Hours field in Define Priority Types, all calls with a priority type will be changed to priority type 0.

All colours and priority types in the calls will be replaced once the new setting has been applied. This change cannot be reversed.

NOTE: Calls that do not have a priority type will not be changed.

Calls are adjusted immediately according to the following formula:

The time the call comes in + the max delay identified in the call = Time limit for processing the call.

When calls are refreshed, maestro* compares the date and time on the computer and deducts (-) the amount of time in the max delay for processing the call = Time elapsed from when the call was entered.

To determine the priority type for a call, maestro* compares the time elapsed with the number of hours specified in Define Priority Types.

For example, if the time elapsed is 2 hours and 30 minutes, and there are two types of priorities, one with a time limit of 2 hours and the other with a time limit of 3 hours, Maestro* displays the priority type for the call with the 2 hour time limit.

Refresh Priority Every X Minutes

Used to specify the refresh interval for refreshing the Call Dispatch and Service Dispatch screens.

No Service Call Allocation

Automatically assigns calls and displays a completed status, which allows the user to enter returns immediately if the box is checked.

NOTE: If this box is checked, the user cannot use the Service Dispatch option. However, if the box is not checked, maestro* does not allow the entry of a Return from a Service Call if the latter has not been assigned and completed.

Type of Dispatch Used

Used to determine the default type of dispatch used by maestro* after entering a call.

The fields displayed in the Enter a Service Call and Service Call Inquiry options are determined based on the type of dispatch selected.

Click the Multidimensional Values icon to display the Company Values window and indicate the dispatch type used by each company (per prefix).

Available values:

Service Dispatch

Used to assign a call to an employee in a schedule and changes the status of the call to Active when the call is assigned.

NOTES: This feature does not save a history of calls handled by an employee.

Calls can only be assigned to one employee.

Call Dispatch

Used to dispatch calls to employees in a schedule and changes the status of the call to Active.

NOTES: This feature saves a history of calls handled by an employee and different displays are available on the window.

A given call can be dispatched to multiple employees based on their availability.

Assign automatically generated calls

When a person in charge is identified in the service contract and this box is checked, the maintenance calls generated by the Generate Maintenance Calls option are automatically attributed to the Person in Charge. A dispatch is created and the calls are added to the Allocated Dispatches section of the Call Dispatch.

NOTE: To display the attributed calls in the Call Dispatch window, click the Display the allocated dispatches icon.

Closed Call Status

When the system is changing the state of a service call in order to close it, the status defined here will be applied to the call. Call statuses are defined in the Call Status Codes table.

A service call can be closed after the following events:

  • Transfer of call return
  • Transfer of service sale
  • Service call invoice preparation
  • Direct invoicing
  • Call closure

Reopened Call Status

When the system is changing the state of a service call in order to reopen it, the status defined here will be applied to the call. Call statuses are defined in the Call Status Codes table.

A service call can be reopen after the following event:

  • Reopening of a call
  1. ClosedRenewal section in the menu on the left.

For more information on the renewal of a contract, please consult the Renewing a Service Contract help topic.




Renewal Batch Report Number

Identifies the report that will be generated to display contracts renewed using the Batch Renewal option.

NOTE: The list number must match one of the reports available in the List of Contracts in Preparation of Renewal option.

Round the ‘Amount Renewed’ to the nearest dollar’

If the box is checked, allows the user to round down the amount of a contract on its renewal.

NOTE: In the case where the contract contains several visits, the amount of the last visit will be adjusted in order to balance the total visits with the amount of the contract.

Apply the Renewal Markup Rate on Items to Bill

If this option is enabled, the markup rate will be applied to the items to be billed at renewal. If the box is unchecked, it will be possible to manage the increase in the cost of items in the catalogue instead.

  1. ClosedQuotation section in the menu on the left.



Quotation Numbering section

Quotation Counter

Allows the specification of a starting number for the quotation numbering.

Generated Calls

Billing Mode for Calls

When a service call is generated, the service contract configuration prevails. If the value is General Setting, it is the configuration entered here which will prevail. Available values: 

Lump Sum

Le total de la soumission sera enregistré dans le champ Montant forfaitaire de l’appel généré.

Time and material

In this situation, the system will not save the total amount in the generated call. However, if the quotation is Fixed, even if set to Time and Material, the tatal amount of the quotation will be saved in the Lump Sum field of the service call.

Default Call Status

Status attributed by default to all automatically generated service calls. The values comes from the Define Call Status Codes field.

Add material and items to invoice only (no hours)

If this box is checked, all material and items will be added to the generated service call without the hours.

Call Type

Allows to specify the default call type to use when a call is created through a quotation. The available choices are: Installation, Maintenance, or Service.

Estimated Time

This configuration allows to determine the estimated time to enter on the call generated by a service quotation (from either maestro* or maestro*MOBILE). Available values: 

Sum of Labour Items

The system will accumulate the quantity of hours of labour items in the quotation to enter it in the call's estimated time.

Estimated Quotation Time

The system will instead use the estimated time of the quotation to enter the estimated time of the call.

NOTE: If the quotation's estimated time is empty, the system will take the sum of the hour quantities of the labour items and enter it into the estimated call time.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025